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CookiePro Knowledgebase

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Knowledgebase Cookies 101 What is Piggybacking?


What is Piggybacking?

Last Updated: December 28, 2020

Advertising companies trying to reach a large user base can be limited by cookies because those cookies are domain-specific, meaning they can only be read on the domain that created the cookie. For advertisers, this restricts their ability to collect information about users and display relevant ads.

Imagine for a second that you’re an advertiser launching a campaign for a new cookbook. If you’re trying to reach your ideal target audience, you’ll want to filter down your audience by analyzing their website browsing behaviors and the sites they are visiting. If you could only reach that target audience based on the one site and platform that they visited, it would be very difficult to deliver personalized ads that drive users to convert.

That’s where ‘Piggybacking’ comes in – it’s a way for AdTech companies to reach a broader user base by exchanging data across different platforms and sites, and therefore, better target audiences with personalized online advertisements.

For example, let’s say you go to a website and add an item to your shopping cart, then you navigate to a different website and see an advertisement for that item you added to your cart – that’s piggybacking. It’s becoming more popular in the age of digital advertisements.

Also known as:

  • Tag redirects
  • Daisy-chains
  • Hops
  • Cookie Syncing

If you use piggybacking, it’s important to make sure your site complies with GDPR and CCPA. CookiePro integrates with IAB TCF 2.0 for AdTech Vendors. Scan your website for free and take steps to CCPA and GDPR compliance today!

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