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Privacy Laws & Frameworks ePrivacy Compliance

ePrivacy Directive

ePrivacy Regulation Compliance

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What is the ePrivacy Regulation?

The ePrivacy Regulation is a law currently being constructed by the EU Commission. The ePrivacy Regulation complements the GDPR with a heavier focus on personal privacy, personal data, and confidentiality, specifically in electronic communication. Once applied, the ePrivacy Regulation will replace the 2002 ePrivacy Directive, also known as the  Cookie Law. The EU cookie law, or ePrivacy Directive, is an older legal act, passed in 2002 and updated in 2009, which deals mainly with cookies, data retention, and unsolicited e-mailing.


Based on the latest draft, here's what's required to comply:
  • Scan your website to detect and categorize cookies and other tracking technologies on your website.
  • Customize a cookie banner and preference center to provide visitors with the ability to provide consent to cookies.
  • Generate a detailed list of cookies, categories, and descriptions in dynamic cookie list.
  • Automate the intake and fulfillment of data subject requests.

Who will the ePrivacy Regulation Affect?

The territorial scope of the ePrivacy Regulation will apply to any business that provides any form of online communication service, uses online tracking technologies, or engages in online electronic marketing. Penalties for noncompliance can be up to €20 million.

From the latest draft, here's a list of of requirements:

CookiePro DSAR Web Form Editor CCPA Data Subject
Intake data requests

Providers of electronic communications services should allow users to access their held data and establish an internal workflow to respond to requests.

How CookiePro Helps

Intake and fulfill data subject requests for personal information access requests:

  • Build a GDPR-specific request intake web form linked directly from your company’s website
  • Centralize all subject access requests into a single queue
  • Define an automated triage workflow for fulfilling requests

Learn More

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Get Started with CookiePro Today

Try the new CookiePro Opt-Out Builder to allow website visitors to opt-out of the sale of their personal information.

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